Instructor Responsibility

Safe Driving School of the Piedmont employs a team of dedicated, professional educators for driver training and driver education. The school works hard to ensure ongoing compliance with all Commonwealth of Virginia ordinances and Virginia Department of Motor Vehicle policies and directives.

A Safe Driving instructor ensures our students:

  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of the ‘Rules of the Road’ and procedures for automobile operation.
  • Use visual search skills to obtain information about the driving environment and make reduced-risk decisions.
  • Demonstrate the ability to manage space by adjusting position and/or speed to avoid conflicts and reduce risks.
  • Drive with confidence and interact with other drivers in a positive manner.
  • Maintain balanced vehicle movement through steering, braking and accelerating in a precise and timely manner.
  • Protect oneself and other by property using occupant protection systems.
  • Display responsible action and an understanding of the physical and psychological conditions affecting driver performance.
  • Participate in adequate supervised practice with a licensed mentor to develop strong driving proficiency and road habits.
  • Are ready to drive anywhere, including open highways, county roads, city street or cross-country.

It is the responsibility of the student or in the case of a minor, the parent or legal guardian, to report to the Department (DMV) any concerns regarding school facilities, instructor behavior, or quality of instruction by the school. DMV is committed to promoting transportation safety through the certification of qualify of driver training programs. If you have comments or concerns about this course, call the Department of Motor Vehicles, toll free at 1-877-885-5790.